A closer look at the evolutionary history of global surgical medical robots over the past 30 years (Figure)

The traditional surgical operation is a doctor's use of medical devices to treat the patient's body lesions such as resection and suturing. With knives, scissors, needles and other devices in the human body to operate, remove the diseased tissue, repair damage, transplant organs, improve function and morphology. However, in some operations, the patient needs to suffer tremendous pain - for example, wounds of up to ten centimeters in length, all muscles are cut off ... so the advantages of surgical robots are highlighted:

1. Robot positioning time is short, trauma is small, positioning is fine, and human error is reduced.

2. It can replace medical personnel to perform damaging operations such as injecting radioactive isotopes.

3. The robot can pre-simulate surgical operation and choose the best surgical approach.

With surgical robots, many surgeons do not need to sweat or exhausted to complete the surgery. Instead, they sit in the dry operating room while watching the picture while operating the surgical robot. After completing the operation, they are dressed neatly. Surgical suits, elegantly out of the operating room...

Below, Xiaobian will accompany you to see the history of the development of surgical robots.

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