Teach you to understand the different timbre and sound of each frequency band

Timbre is a term describing the sound quality of musical instruments. Since each musical instrument has its own spectral distribution characteristics, the pronunciation of the same musical instrument is in different sound regions. Although the attack feeling is not necessarily the same, the timbre is generally the same.

Terms that describe timbre characteristics are generally closely related to musical instruments. The timbre terms are generally richer than the sense of sound, and there are several situations in the relationship between them:

Dull: This kind of sound is given by the frequency of about 20 Hz, and when it is higher than 80 Hz, the sound will be thicker, so the basic frequency of the dull sound is generally very low, and there are few rich overtone components. The sound source of musical instruments with this sound characteristic is generally the bass region of bass instruments.

Heaviness: From the perspective of sound sense alone, the sense of weight is a unique sound effect at the frequency of 80 Hz. From the perspective of sound characteristics, short bass percussion instruments have a stronger sense of weight.

Low: Low is often used to describe a slightly richer sound than a dull sound. His fundamental frequency may be the same as a dull sound, but most of its higher harmonics are richer than a dull sound.

Deep: This is an emotional adjective, often used to express the colorful " loose " low-frequency response, its fundamental frequency is slightly higher than the low-pitched sound. Generally, musical instruments with a deep sense, the most typical is the bass area of ​​cello and flute.
Thickness: This kind of sound is a characteristic of a sound source with a wide spectrum, so the thick sound is generally described as a sound source with a lower fundamental frequency and a wider spectrum.

Chunhou: Chunhou refers to a low-frequency sound with high fusion, a typical sound source with a sense of purity, and is the bass region of the steel piano.

Fullness: This is the sound characteristics of a sound source with a frequency between 100 and 250 Hz. Generally, sound sources pronounced in this frequency band will inevitably have a rich sound effect.

Broad and thick: If the full sound source has a wider frequency spectrum, it will produce a thick and thick sound effect.

Fullness: This is a kind of low-frequency sound called strongness. Generally , electric bass with " turbo distortion " effect is added. This sound characteristic is very obvious.

Brightness: Generally, when the fundamental frequency of a musical sound is higher than 500 Hz, it will become brighter. Even when it is as high as 7500 Hz, we cannot say that it is not bright, so the brightness of the sound source is more general. adjective. The sense of brightness is most obvious at the frequency of 2800 Hz.

Loud: It is often used to describe high-definition sound with a neck, and when the frequency spectrum is higher than 4000 Hz, the sound source does not have this sound characteristic.

Hongliang: Wait until there is a certain combination of high-brightness sound.

Roundness: refers to a relatively soft high-brightness sound.

Softness: Compared with the roundness, the softness is more dull, and it is a relatively low brightness sound.

Crispness: Sounds with spectrums concentrated between 4000 and 8000 boxes generally have a certain crispness effect.

High- pitched: Refers to the clear sound with high penetration, the typical musical instrument with this sense of sound is Suona.

Sharp: Sounds with a frequency spectrum centered around 6800 Hz are generally sharp and harsh.

Sharp : If the sharp sound also has a noisy feeling like distortion, it can produce a sharp sound effect.

Slim: Music with a frequency spectrum above 8000 Hz generally has a slender sound effect.

Fusion: The soft sound that is generally not easy to stand out has a certain sense of fusion. Of course, all sound sources can be measured by the degree of fusion or non-fusion. Among musical instruments, viola and cello are generally considered to have the best sense of fusion.

Dryness: This is an antonym for the sense of fusion. Generally, high-frequency sounds lacking in harmonious overtones and prominent inharmonic overtones have a certain degree of dryness. Among musical instruments, he is mainly caused by the lack of resonance in the extremely high-pitched area.

Solid: Narrow-band sounds around 600 Hz, as well as short-sounding sound patterns, have some kind of visual sound effect.

Hollow: refers to a dull sound with a " dyeing " effect. This sound feature is often used by people to describe the timbre of big wooden fish.

Warmth: This is a word describing the color of music. He is generally proportional to the " coloring " of the sound. For example: a bell, it has a sub-sense.

Roughness: If the low-frequency sound has an effect similar to overload distortion, it can form a rough sound.

Roughness: Roughness is a rough sound with a slight sand sound. Generally, trumpets and horns have this sound characteristic when playing the bass area.

Hoarse: A specially made virtual floating sound effect with obvious " airflow sand sound " .

Vigorous: This is an emotional adjective, generally referring to the hoarse sound in the lower frequency band, such as the bass area of ​​the big tube.

Nervousness: This is the result of some special dissonant overtones in the music.

Power sense: The power sense in the low frequency band refers specifically to the sound in the 200 ~ 500 box frequency band, such as the bass area of ​​the bass drum and Dahu, the sense of power is better. In the middle and high frequency bands, the sense of power refers to a soft sound with high penetration and high prominence. The mid-range and high-range areas of general treble brass instruments have good sense of power.

Penetrating power: It refers to the sound with high prominence and high brightness. The penetrating power is more obvious around 4500 Hz.

Glossy: refers to a high-roundness sound with a certain sense of prominence.

Desolation: Desolation and warmth are antisense to each other, it is also a kind of emotional time. The typical musical instrument sound source with this sound characteristic is the midrange of the midrange oboe.

Eerie: A low-frequency sound with high tension can form an eerie sound effect.

Fabian: This is a sound effect unique to 2500 Hz premises. The music around this frequency generally has a " flattened " feeling. For example: Banhu, Erhu, etc., the secondary sound sense is very obvious.

Darkness: If there is a lack of spectral components above 6000 Hz in the musical sound , it can generally make the pronunciation " dark " .

Hairiness: This is caused by the increased noise when the musical instrument sounds a higher scale. This noise is usually similar to the sound of airflow sand.

Very high frequency:

16K-20K color Ascension has a sense of mystery;

12K-16K high frequency overtone, glorious;

10K-12K high frequency overtone, gloss;

High frequency and low frequency:
8K-10K S
brightness, transparency, Increase tooth sound weight, landing Dim voice
The clarity of 5K-6K language enhances the sharpness and fatigue of the sound;

Upper middle band:
4K-5K musical instrument surface loudness, improve the musical instrument's closeness and landing Musical instruments far away;
penetration, improve Cough sound
is the most sensitive to brightness, enhances sound hard, unnatural

1K-2K transparency and smoothness, improve jumping, landing Loose
strength to increase the throat sound weight;
vocal fundamentals, sound contours, enhance the bulge of voice, and the contraction of landing voice;
voice main voice area, improve monotonous voice, land voice holes;

Mid frequency low section:
150-300 voice strength, male voice strength, enhance the sound is hard, no characteristics, landing: soft, floating;
Low frequency:
100-150 fullness, improve turbidity and thin landing;
deep sense of lifting roar (bombers), landing weakness;
sense of space, improve low frequency resonance ( buzz ) , landing empty;
80-160 in the upper part of low frequency ;

Low frequency 40-80 ;

Low frequency lower section 20-40 ;

Ultra-low frequency 32- ~ .

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